Tag Archives: Azure

First experience with Azure AD Connect Health Agent

In this blog post I’d like to share my first experience with the recently Microsoft released public preview of the Azure AD Connect Health Agent. The new Azure Cloud service that can be used to monitor the health of you …


Using the SalesForce1 App with Azure Active Directory

One of the biggest apps on the Azure Active Directory Gallery is SalesForce. A couple of years ago ADFS SSO and identity provisioning to SalesForce was quite a new challenge, especially when multiple Salesforce Organizations and Portals are being used. …

Testing AAD Sync Beta 3

Microsoft is working on a new version of its identity synchronization software for the Microsoft Online services. In this blog I’d like to share my experience in testing this tool in my test environment.

As you may know is that …

Azure RemoteApp Preview

In this blog I’d like to show you the recently released preview of Azure RemoteApp services. The Azure RemoteApp services build’s on the Remote Desktop Services (RDP) protocol. RemoteApps can be published deployed cloud only in Azure, using your existing …